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Why Are My Ears Blocked? Causes & Symptoms
Your ear canals are sensitive to a wide range of sensations, and it is not uncommon to feel a blockage buildup over time. This blockage can be attributed to lots of potential causes, any one of which could present serious long-term risks if not properly addressed. If you are feeling the sensation of a physical blockage in your ears, then seeking out professional advice and examination is crucial. At Ear Wax Solution, we provide consultations and treatments to help you identify the causes of your ear blockages and, in most cases, provide a quick, painless, effective solution.
Based in Horley, we operate multiple clinics in Epsom and East Grinstead, as well as offering mobile ear wax removal across the surrounding areas.
Blocked Ears: The Causes
Your outer ears are just one part of a much wider and more delicate system that comprises the whole apparatus. Your ear canal is a small pathway which extends from the outer ear to the eardrum. This, in turn, connects to multiple other pathways in the ear, such as the eustachian tube. Any part of the ear can become blocked and cause this painful and uncomfortable sensation.

Blocked Ear Canals: Excessive Wax

The simplest and most common explanation for the sensation of blocked ears is excessive ear wax build up. Ear wax, or cerumen, forms in your outer ear canal by follicles which line the inner ear. The amount of ear wax that your body produces varies from person to person. Many people may never experience an issue associated with ear wax. However, some people have overactive glands, which produce more wax than you can naturally or easily excrete.
In these cases, the ear wax will eventually begin to harden and clump in your ears until it forms a physical blockage. This will at best be a frustrating discomfort, and at worst will cause long-term damage to your ears. If you suspect your ears may be blocked with wax, you can arrange a consultation with our hearing experts in Horley to find out for sure.
Eustachian Tube Blockages
Your eustachian tubes are distinct from your ear canal. They can also become blocked, and the sensation will be comparable to ordinary ear canal blockages. The causes, though, are quite different. Your middle ear is connected through the eustachian tube to your throat. Thus, fluid and mucus flow through this part of the ear. Fluids can sometimes get lodged in the eustachian tube, rather than flowing freely. This will clog your ear.
These blockages often accompany infections, like the common cold, when you are producing more mucus. Equally, if your nose is exposed to something you are allergic to, this can lead to a blockage in the eustachian tube.
Infections causing blocked eustachian tubes can quickly spiral out of control–as the blockage can cause, in turn, an inner ear infection.

Altitude Changes

Your eustachian tubes equalise the pressure in your middle ears. If you are experiencing blocked ears after rapid changes in altitude, such as during take-off or landing in an aeroplane, this could be the cause. The altitude change causes the ear to be unable to equalise properly, and you thus feel the change in pressure as a blockage in your ears. This can also happen if you are driving at high altitudes, or even while scuba diving.
This pressure imbalance will typically resolve itself in time. However, if you are also experiencing hearing loss and dizziness, this could be a more serious sign of barotrauma. Repeated exposure to barotrauma poses a greater risk factor.
Ear Infections
Ear infections be categorised in two ways:
Outer ear infections: Also known as swimmer’s ear, trapped water in your ears encourages the growth of bacteria. Infections will be painful and can make your ear feel clogged.
Inflammation of the middle ear: If harmful microorganisms reach your middle ear, typically through respiratory complications, they can cause infections behind the eardrum. This will affect your hearing and balance.
Foreign Body Blockage

Another way that your ears can become blocked is by the intrusion of a foreign body of one kind or another. This is common especially in children though it does occur in adults. Cotton bud ends, for instance, are very commonly stuck in our patient’s ears. We can provide professional foreign body removal for both adults and children, protecting your hearing and your comfort.
Identifying & Treating Blocked Ears
As you see, then, there are many potential reasons your ears could feel blocked. Some, though, are far more common than others. At Ear Wax Solution, our hearing experts can provide thorough examinations to identify your problem. As ear wax removal specialists, we use a simple, gentle, highly effective method called microsuction to remove impacted ear wax from your ears. In the case that there is something else causing the problem, we can provide the proper advice to ensure you find the right treatment.

Get in Touch
To find out more about how we work or to make an appointment, get in touch today. Whether you can visit us at one of our clinics or require home treatment with our mobile service, we can ensure you get the treatment you need–and avoid long-term damage to your ears and hearing. Based in Horley, we have clinics in Epsom and East Grinstead.

Prior to Ear Wax Removal
Preparing for your ear wax removal appointment
Olive Oil Drops: We recommend using olive oil drops for 3 days prior to the appointment to soften your impacted wax.
Earol Spray: You can also use Earol spray which can help soften the wax in your ears which has small amount of olive oil.
If you are a hearing aid user, it is recommended to perform the above steps at night when you have removed your aid.