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Hearing Loss: Causes & Treatments
Our ears are delicate pieces of sensory apparatus that rely on a careful network of inner organs and systems to work properly. As a result, the disruption of any single one of those inner systems could cause partial or even total hearing loss. There are many factors that can lead to the disruption of our hearing, and often the most difficult part can be accurately assessing and understanding the problem. At Ear Wax Solution, our trained experts can help you get a clear picture of your ear health and offer simple, non-invasive solutions to some of the most common causes of hearing loss.
We are based at our main clinic in Horley, with locations in East Grinstead and Epsom as well as offering home visit ear wax removal for children and adults.
Understanding Loss of Hearing: The Causes
It is a common, indeed natural, response to loss of hearing to worry that the cause or damage is permanent. There are many possible explanations for a sudden or gradual loss of hearing, and the good news is that treatment is often extremely effective when the problem is addressed quickly.
Impacted Ear Wax
One of the most common reasons we experience loss of hearing is the build-up of ear wax in the ear canal. Cerumen, to give ear wax its clinical name, is a natural substance your ears produce to protect your ears from germs, dust, or other harmful foreign bodies. We all produce ear wax at different rates, and in some cases our ears may produce too much. This ear wax will then not be able to move properly out of the year, and will over time harden and get stuck in the ear canal. Without the space for air to flow through the ear canal, you will feel a physical sensation of blocking which will muffle your hearing and, in some cases, even cause total hearing loss.
While both of your ears will produce wax at roughly the same amounts, other small details, such as if you always sleep on the same side, can affect how it is impacted. Whether you are suffering with hearing loss in one or both ears, ear wax is a very likely explanation.
Unsafe Listening Practices
Particularly prevalent among young adults are harmful listening habits which pose a very serious, and permanent, risk to your hearing health. According to the WHO, over 1 billion young adults are at risk of avoidable hearing loss for this reason. In general, this refers to the volume at which people listen to music, watch television or play video games. Long-term exposure to excessively high volume in entertainment can damage your ears and lead to tinnitus–a constant buzzing sound in the ear–and permanent hearing loss.
Equally, if you work in a very loud environment, it is essential that you use proper ear protection.
Ear Infections
Ear infections are categorised in three ways:
Inner ear (or labyrinthitis) infections: Most cases of inner ear infections are viral, though bacteria can also cause them.
Middle ear (or otitis media) infections: Children are most prone to middle ear infections due to their weaker immune systems. In middle ear infections, fluid can build-up behind the ear drum, leading to hearing loss.
Outer ear infections (also known as swimmer’s ear): As the name suggests, people who swim frequently are susceptible to outer ear infections.
Each of these infections works in different ways, but each can be responsible for hearing loss. Often, the infection will affect the nerves responsible for hearing, whether through viral or bacterial infections or the build-up of fluid in the ear pathways.
Foreign Body Blockage
While the ingress of foreign bodies is more common in children, it is entirely possible a foriegn object has become lodged in your ear. This, naturally, will lead to loss of hearing as it blocks the passages that sound ordinarily passes through.
Sensorineural Degeneration
Unfortunately, over time, even when taking the best care of your ears and auditory health, age-related degeneration can lead to hearing loss. If you are beginning to experience gradual hearing loss as you get older, it’s important to discuss your concerns with an audiology expert such as those on the team at Ear Wax Solution.
Treatment at Ear Wax Solution
At our ear clinic in Horley, we can help you with a range of treatment methods and expert advice to understand and resolve the issues that may be causing your hearing loss. For impacted ear wax and the removal of foreign bodies, our experts use a method known as microsuction to gently remove the blockage from your ear. This prevents long-term damage and will in most cases provide instant relief to the loss of hearing.
Get in Touch
To book an appointment or with any questions about our services, get in touch today. Your hearing is one of your most precious health concerns, and it’s vital to act quickly while you can still prevent permanent damage. Whether you are sure of the issue you are having or you would like to arrange a consultation to determine it, we can help.

Prior to Ear Wax Removal
Preparing for your ear wax removal appointment
Olive Oil Drops: We recommend using olive oil drops for 3 days prior to the appointment to soften your impacted wax.
Earol Spray: You can also use Earol spray which can help soften the wax in your ears which has small amount of olive oil.
If you are a hearing aid user, it is recommended to perform the above steps at night when you have removed your aid.